Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage in Weybridge, Surrey
What is Fertility Massage
Fertility Massage is a non-invasive, external massage to the abdomen and lower back that specifically aims to address hormonal, reproductive and stress related issues including stored tension held in the pelvic area.
It aims to release tension found in connective tissue of the abdomen and lower back, and improve blood flow to the tissues and organs. For stress, digestive (such as IBS) and non-fertility related issues, see Abdominal Massage.
Fertility Massage aims to alleviate the abdominal discomforts caused by Fibroids, Endometriosis, painful and irregular periods, procedures, abdominal surgeries, IVF cycles, miscarriage and lower back pain etc.
Within the Fertility Massage, I use a fusion of techniques including emotional trauma work and guided visualisation to create a uniquely nurturing treatment.
During excessive periods of stress, ill-health or emotional trauma our reproductive organs may shut down if the body is not functioning optimally. This may be the case with anovulation, no bleed, no cycle or irregularity etc. In order to restore health to these organs, all areas should be addressed on an emotional, physical and energetic level which is why this treatment can be so effective when treating fertility issues, miscarriage and hormonal disruption.
The Benefits of Fertility Massage
The aim of the treatment is to increase circulation of blood to the connective tissue surrounding the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes and to bring relief from tension, tightness and trauma. Treatment increases circulation to the digestive system thereby enhancing the immune system. It promotes hormonal balance and helps the body clear old stagnant blood. See Clare Blakes Fertility Massage Therapy article in Massage World. Clare is the Founder of Fertility Massage Therapy.
When to have a Fertility Massage
In a natural cycle, the best time is after bleed but before ovulation, so in your ‘fertile window’ is great. If you are in a fresh IVF cycle, during your stimulation phase is ideal but it may be too uncomfortable too close to Egg Collection. In a Frozen Embryo Transfer cycle, post bleed and prior to the Transfer is perfect. Do discuss this with me before booking your initial appointment.
It is not suitable for those with a coil fitted, too close to abdominal surgery (please allow 6 weeks recovery period for minor procedures), during pregnancy or if you have an infection or high temperature. You should not have this treatment during bleed.
Want to arrange a Fertility Massage then click on the button below to find out availability. I work from my Therapy Room in Weybridge, Surrey, Tuesday to Saturdays, 8.30am to 5.30pm.
If Weybridge is a little too far to visit then why not try my Self Help Hypnotherapy Downloads to support Fertility, Pregnancy, and Anxiety.
I am trained in Reproflexology™ and I am a member of The Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (MARR), The Association of Reflexologists (AoR) and The General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR). Please do read my Disclaimer prior to treatment.
Self Help Hypnotherapy Downloads
You might want to try my Self Hypnosis Visualisation Mp3 Downloads for help and support with Fertility, Pregnancy and Deep Relaxation. Here is my Deep Relaxation one below. To view and download all my other Recordings please go to my Downloads.